12 ways to improve your brain health

We’re asked to look after our physical health so we can live better and longer. Should that include our brain?

Here’s twelve ways to improve your brain health, and reduce your risk of dementia:

  1. Quit smoking

  2. Drink alcohol in moderation

  3. Keep socially active and engaged

  4. Make your mental health a priority, and seek help from your GP for anxiety and depression

  5. Challenge your brain and keep it fit by doing crosswords, puzzles and some new activities

  6. Keep physically active every day.

  7. Follow a balanced diet of healthy foods: like the Mediterranean diet.

  8. Manage your weight through diet and exercise

  9. Control high blood pressure

  10. Keep your cholesterol levels in check

  11. If you have diabetes, make sure it’s well managed

  12. Get your hearing checked and wear hearing aids if you need them

For more helpful information click on the link below:


or call the National Dementia Helpline on 1800 100 500


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